
RSGB Contest Results Autumn Series CW 2017   
v4.146 by G4CLA

3.5MHz Autumn Series - November CW Contest

The third and final CW session was characterised by long skip and high noise levels making inter-G QSOs difficult, particularly in the first hour.  Overall QSO numbers were therefore down and 'not in log' errors more common compared to the previous sessions.

This being the final event of the Series the certificates can now be awarded.  Leading the General Club category by a substantial margin is De Montfort University ARS followed by Verulam ARC in second and Norfolk ARC in third.  Scores in the Local Club category were much closer with Newbury & DARS just holding off Grimsby ARS for the top spot with Tall Trees CG just a whisker behind Grimsby in third.  Newbury & DARS are therefore the winners of the Newbury Trophy.

The highest scoring individual for the Series is David Cree G3TBK representing Grimsby ARS with a total of 8011 normalised points from all nine sessions followed by Bryn Tinton G3SWC contributing 7523 points to Horsham ARC.

Feedback from clubs is that some are using the Autumn Series to encourage Foundation and Intermediate Licensees with little or no contest experience to take an active part and contribute to their club's scores.  The multipliers available are there to further encourage this participation.  As might be expected the CW events attracted the least support from less experienced operators but note that next year's rules specify that the maximum speed in the QRS section by any station is 15wpm so anyone calling CQ between 3565 and 3570 kHz need have no fear of a reply at 30wpm.

John Cockrill G4CZB

Overall Individual Results here