
RSGB Contest Results Autumn Series CW 2018   
v4.146 by G4CLA

3.5MHz Autumn Series - November CW contest

Participants in the final CW session of the 2018 Autumn Series experienced long skip and high noise levels, almost identical band conditions to the third and last CW session in 2017.  This favoured stations outside the UK or away from the main centres of population.  However, continuing the trend of the October CW session, the total number of entrants showed a further rise of 16% to 151.  Several stations noted this was their first contest, another encouraging trend.  There was good support from a number of non-UK&CD entrants, mainly Europe but also from the US.  Their contribution is appreciated.

Thanks to Mike G3VYI for running the bonus station G6XX, he made 103 QSOs.

This being the final event of the Series the certificates can now be awarded.   In the General Club category for the second year the leading group is De Montfort University ARS, Norfolk ARC move up from third to second and the RSGB Contest Club takes third place.  In the Local Club section Newbury & DARS and Grimsby ARS retain first and second places respectively, therefore Newbury & DARS are awarded the Newbury Trophy for the second year running.  Torbay ARS posted a much improved score over 2017 to capture third place this year.

The highest scoring individual for the Series is once again David Cree G3TBK representing Grimsby ARS with a total of 8114 normalised points from all nine sessions followed by Ian Trusson G3RVM contributing 7107 points to Newbury & DARS.

John G4CZB

Overall Individual Results here