
RSGB Contest Results Autumn Series CW 2019   
v4.146 by G4CLA

3.5MHz Autumn Series - November CW results

The third and final CW event was characterised by variable skip which started long but noticeably shortened in the second half.  Initially this favoured stations outside the UK mainland and away from centres of population but there was still time for many more centrally located to make a good score by the end of the session.  Thanks for the continued valuable support from non-UK&CD stations this time all located in Europe apart from one solitary contact with the USA.

Thanks also to Mike G3VYI for running the bonus station G6XX, he made 124 QSOs.

This being the final event of the Series the certificates can be awarded.  In the General Club category De Montfort University ARS continue their total dominance of the top spot while Norfolk ARC hold on to second place.Verulam ARC regain third place after being relegated to fourth in 2018.

In the Local Club category Newbury & DARS held off another determined challenge from Grimsby ARS.  Grimsby therefore have to settle for second place once again with the Newbury Trophy being awarded to Newbury & DARS for the third year running.  The third place certificate available in this category has been an annual battle between Tall Trees CG and Torbay ARS and this year it is Tall Trees CG that take the third spot.

The highest scoring individual for the Series for the third year running is David Cree G3TBK representing Grimsby ARS with a total of 8712 normalised points from all nine sessions followed by Ian Trusson G3RVM contributing 8185 points to Newbury & DARS.  Both increased their total scores from last year, who else will challenge for the lead of the individual table in 2020?

Since the inception in 2017 the Autumn Series has seen steadily increasing numbers of participants, this year there were 393 individual entrants of which 15% were non-UK&CD.  With enhanced points available to those holding a Foundation or Intermediate licence, clubs will profit from continuing to encourage them to take part.

John G4CZB

Overall Individual Results here