
RSGB Contest Results Club Calls (1.8MHz AFS) 2015   
v4.146 by G4CLA

The 2015 Club Calls Contest (1.8MHz AFS) saw a reduction in the number of clubs entering (from 49 to 44) but conversely a rise in individual entrants (from 99 to 123). Congratulations to the Bristol Contest Group A Team as the winning club for the third time in four years - and also to GX6YB as the individual leading station (again from Bristol CG, and again for the third time in four years) which made 139 scoring contacts. This is a highly creditable track record. Accordingly the David Hill G4IQM Memorial Trophy is awarded to Bristol CG and the Ariel Trophy to GX6YB.

Logs were generally well presented, and accuracy surprisingly good given the difficulty of telephony on 160m. However a number of stations failed to use the correct designations for class of entrant (eg. CLUB HQ or CLUB STN instead of CLUB). No penalties were applied for this provided the correct class was clearly intended, but entrants are requested to check compliance with the rules for the 2016 event!

Entrants' comments provided an interesting mix of areas of broad agreement and ones where very different views were expressed. In the latter category, there were significant differences of opinion on whether conditions were good or poor, and on whether activity was brisk or slack. But there was almost unanimous agreement to the fact that the band was very noisy (an occupational hazard on 160m), and that entrants were using poor antennas that were often difficult to tune (again an occupational hazard on the band). These factors no doubt contributed to several comments that entrants (many of whom were using 160m for the first time) could not make others hear them. Finally there were a few comments that the weather was bad, one from an entrant who was operating from the car- there's dedication for you. But despite all the difficulties there were quite a few comments that the contest was enjoyable - and that's what contesting should be about!

Quin Collier G3WRR

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 15/16