
RSGB Contest Results Club Calls (1.8MHz AFS) 2016   
v4.146 by G4CLA

The event this year continues in the tradition as a social event with members operating their club station or as a club member. A total of 121 entrants submitted logs for adjudication. GB3HQ operated by G4FAL offered bonus points for 103 stations. The number of clubs represented remained at the level seen in 2015 (44), Cambridge Hams receive special notification as the only club to enter an A, B and C team.

Congratulations to G4ASR who wins the Ariel Trophy for the 1st placed station, followed by G3TBK and G4BWP. The David Hill G4IQM Memorial Trophy is awarded to the highest scoring team of 4. Cambridge Hams A Team are the winners for 2016.

Mark David


This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 16/17