
RSGB Contest Results Club Calls (1.8MHz AFS) 2018   
v4.146 by G4CLA

This year Club Calls saw the inclusion of  separate categories 'SSB only' and 'SSB+CW' , with both counting equally towards a total club score, and a move back to bonuses from a multiplier based scoring system.There were no adverse comments about the rule changes - which now allow SSB only or SSB & CW and have dispensed with the multiplier system. Hopefully the optional CW has made the event more fun for those with high noise levels and the SSB only option has made it accessible to club members who are new to HF contesting.

There were 112 entries for adjudication this year, which is slightly down on 2017. A total of 36 clubs were represented, 8 in General  and 28 in Local cateogories. 64  stations entered the SSB section and 48 entered the Mixed  section. Graham G4FNL provided an extra bonus by running the RSGB club station GB3HQ from the south coast.Thanks also to EI7GY for supplying many points.

Congratulations  to Camb-Hams 'A' for winning the David Hill G4IQM Memorial Trophy for the leading Club team. Congratulations to  G3TBK for winning the Aeriel Trophy for 1st UK & CD station place in the individual station competition. Second place goes to GC6YB and third to GX3DR.

Some confusion was created at log delivery time  when it  was  discovered  that N1MM+ did not generate RST values in  the cabrillo file.This was rectified after a few days, and no penalties were actioned, and no late entries were rejected  for any logs  with this error. Some clubs lost bonus points for contacts from club stations that did not enter the contest, QSOs with stations  that only made QSOs with any restricted group, and unique QSO's ,as stipulated in the rules.

73Mike Franklin


This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 18/19