
RSGB Contest Results Club Calls (1.8MHz AFS) 2019   
v4.146 by G4CLA

1.8 Mhz AFS 2019

Issue 2

Apologies ; the first edition had an error in the overall club scores , they were not adjusted per entrant section as per the rules, now corrected.The Local and General club scores positions have thus been modified.

This  was the second year Club Calls saw the inclusion of  separate categories 'SSB only' and 'SSB+CW' , with both counting equally towards a total club score, and a move back to bonuses from a multiplier based scoring system.There were again few adverse comments about the rule changes - with a welcome increase in entrant numbers.There were 120 entries for adjudication this year, which is up on 2018. A total of 50clubs were represented, 10 in General  and 40 in Local cateogories, again an increase on 2018. 60  stations entered the SSB section and 60 entered the Mixed  section. Nick G4FAL provided an extra bonus by running the RSGB club station G6XX from the midlands.

Congratulations  to Camb-Hams 'A' for winning the David Hill G4IQM Memorial Trophy for the leading Club team, also the leading Local team, just ahead of  Grimsby ARS 'A'. Congratulations to  M7W , alias David G3TBK for again winning the Ariel Trophy for 1st UK & CD station place in the individual station competition. Second place goes to Andy G4PIQ and third to MX0TTG ,alias G3UJE. The leading General team was the Drowned Rats RG  'A'. followed by the DeMontfort  team .

Conditions seemed to be fair, though having a high dipole was necessary to get a good score. A surprise checklog entrant was G4CWH/VY2, calling in from Prince Edward Isle with a big signal.

Most logs were based on N1MM+ or SD and only a few reported generation problems.



This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 19/20  HF Championship