
RSGB Contest Results Club Calls (1.8MHz AFS) 2021   
v4.146 by G4CLA

1.8 Mhz `Club Calls ` AFS contest  2021

There was a decrease in entrant numbers from 2020,There were only 109 station entries for adjudication this year, which is about 60 down on 2020. A total of 48 clubs were represented, 14 in the General section and 34 in the Local categories, again a decrease on 2020. 49 stations entered the SSB section and 59 entered the Mixed section..

Conditions seemed poor at the start with high QRN  and deep QSB,  Most entrants reported  the noise and generally poor conditions. One Club HQ station, which was also a non entrant,  used the wrong club ID. Due to the confusion this caused the contacts were disallowed ,but no penalties were awarded. Also this year contacts with non entrants were only awarded 3 points and no bonus, so some will find their claimed scores reduced.

Congratulations again  to Camb-Hams 'A' for again winning the David Hill G4IQM Memorial Trophy for the leading Club team, also the leading Local team, just ahead of  Grimsby A', then Chesham ARS.

Harwell ARS had the leading General club team score, followed  by De Montfort University ARS.

Congratulations to Andy G4PIQ for again winning the Ariel Trophy for 1st UK & CD station  in the individual station competition. Second place goes to last year's winner David M7W G3TBK.


Mike G3VYI

This contest is part of the following contest series HF Championship  AFS Superleague 21/22