
RSGB Contest Results Commonwealth Contest 2013   
v4.146 by G4CLA


The 76th Commonwealth contest attracted a record bumper entry of 308 stations, comprising 158 Open, 112 Restricted and 20 Multi-op.7 HQ stations were active to give away bonus points. 17 Teams were formed to enter into the team competition, from Australia, Canada, the UK, the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, India, Africa and New Zealand. Travellers visited 9X, 5N, 5X, C4, 9H, VP9, ZF, 6Y, J34 and this year their efforts were rewarded with good conditions on the higher bands from the start, continuing into Sunday as well. All stations making more than 75 QSO’s are entered into the Prize Draw for a celebration Key. More information is available from G3PJT’s BERU website .

The leader of the 24hr Open section and winner of the Senior Rose Bowl is John Sluymer VE3EJ, ahead of traveller Nigel Cawthorne ZF2XF (G3TXF), and Ron Vander Kraats CF3A (VE3AT) is third. The first 5 places are close with traveller Dave Cree J88DR (G3TBK) fourth and Brian Coyne C4Z fifth.

The leader of the restricted 24hr section and winner of the Junior Rose Bowl, is again traveller Peter Hobbs  9H3ET (G3LET), followed by traveller Allen Singer 6Y6T (N2KW), then the intrepid African travellers Alan Ibbetson 5X1XA (G3XAQ) and then in a first ever BERU visit to Rwanda by Nick Henwood 9X0NH (G3RWF).

The top UK Restricted entry and winner of the John Dunnington trophy is Mike G3IAF.

The top UK 12hrs entry and Rose Carey Rose Bowl winner is Ian Davies G3KZR.

The top non UK 12hrs entry and winner of the VP8GQ trophy is Vlad VE3JM.

The top UK Open section entry and winner of the Colonel Thomas Rosebowl is Dave Lawley G4BUO, at the G0KPW station, followed closely by G6PZ operated by Gerry lynch GI0RTN.

The Multi-op/ assisted section is led by the Travellers team of G3VYI,G3UFY,G3SJX at C4I, followed by VE9ML and VA3DX.

The team competition is won by Team Australia 1, ahead of Team Canada Eh?, then Team Caribbean. The correction factor certainly helped the southern hemisphere teams this year as conditions to VK/ZL were much improved. Some comments were received about the problem on 80m with finding gaps in the Russian contest but above 3510KHz, but many DX contacts were made despite this.

The leading 5W QRP station is Brian Campbell VE3MGY, ahead of  Dave Sergeant G3YMC.

QSO analysis plots are available as part of the Contest Committee results service, at the tabs below, and show band activity/ time for the various entry categories ;

Click on the tab marked ‘QSO Analysis’ and show/hide tabs per category.

80m peaked at the start in VE/ the Caribbean, and then 0000, 0600 for the EU/DX openings

40M peaked at 1000 in the west, then 2200/2300 and 0600 for EU /DX openings

20M was active all day 1000 to 2200, and again at 0600.

15M picked up at 1100, then through till 1700, and again at 0900.

10M started high at 1000, peaked again at 1500, some more at 2100 and opened again at 0900 Sunday morning.

Log standards were generally good, but there were a few with problems, e.g. with band record errors, which were not penalised by the adjudicator. A few had multiple consecutive serial send errors, where a small penalty was applied. HQ receive errors were only penalised by the bonus.

Let’s hope for such good conditions next year!

Mike G3VYI

Team results updated 29th May

Note added 30/9/13 : VE7RAC should be, as always, placed in the HQ section, not the Open .

This contest is part of the following contest series HF Championship