
RSGB Contest Results Commonwealth Contest 2014   
v4.146 by G4CLA


The 77th Commonwealth contest attracted another bumper entry of 309 stations, comprising 118 Open, 133 Restricted and 38 Multi-op.5 HQ stations were active to give away bonus points. 17 Teams were formed to enter into the team competition, from Australia, Canada, the UK, the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, Africa and New Zealand. Travellers visited 8Q7, 9X, 5B, 5X, C5, 9H, VP2M, ZF,  J34, VY2, and freezing VO2. Again this year entrants were rewarded with good conditions on the higher bands from the start, continuing into Sunday .Conditions on 10m between VE and VK/ZL were especially good, but those on 80m and 40m were reported as being down on last year, especially 80m. All stations making more than 75 QSO’s are entered into the Prize Draw for a celebration Key. The winner will be drawn at the RSGB Convention in October. More information is available from G3PJT’s BERU website www.beru.org.uk .

The leader of the 24hr Open section and winner of the Senior Rose Bowl is again John VE3EJ, narrowly ahead of  Ron CJ3A (VE3AT), and VE3JM  is third, and last years restricted section winner Peter G3LET  is fourth visiting a very cold VY2 station as VY2GQ. The top UK Open section entry is again Dave G4BUO in 8th place and just short of 500 QSO’s.

The leader of the Restricted 24hr section and winner of the Junior Rose Bowl, is traveller Bob J34G (G3PJT), followed by VE1RGB, then the intrepid African traveller to Uganda Alan 5X1XA (G3XAQ) and then Stewart GW4J ( GW0ETF).

The top UK Open section entry and winner of the Colonel Thomas Rose bowl is Dave G4BUO.

The top UK Restricted entry and winner of the John Dunnington trophy is Stewart GW4J (GW0ETF).

The top UK 12hrs entry and Rose Carey Rose Bowl winner is Andy G4PIQ.

The top non UK 12hrs entry and winner of the VP8GQ trophy is VE3UTT.

The leading 5W QRP station is G3SXW, ahead of G4CWH

The Multi-op/ assisted section is led by Nigel at ZF2XF, followed by stalwart Lee VE7CC, then VE7JH.

The team competition is again just won by Team Australia 1, ahead of Team Canada Eh?, then Team VK2. The correction factor certainly helped the southern hemisphere teams this year as conditions to VK/ZL were again very good.

The Travellers award goes to 8Q7EJ, ( G3VDB), with VP2MXI ( M0PCB) and C5/M1KTA close contenders.

Thanks to the HQ stations for handing out many bonus QSOs on all bands.

QSO analysis plots are available as part of the Contest Committee results service, at the tabs below, and show band activity/ time for the various entry categories ; Click on the tab marked ‘QSO Analysis’ and show/hide tabs per category.

Log standards were generally good, with 1 ZB2 pirate activity requiring much rescoring. Thanks again to Steve G3UFY for entering a number of paper logs.

Corrections to the ZL Teams entry  and Open section listing were made 26/05/14

Let’s hope we get more good conditions next year! Mike G3VYI

This contest is part of the following contest series HF Championship