
RSGB Contest Results AFS Superleague 14/15   
v4.146 by G4CLA

Once again, Camb-Hams were battling with their rivals, Bristol Contest Group, for the top spot in this, the fifth AFS Super League.  These two clubs have been exchanging first and second place for the last four years, but Bristol built up a lead in the first five contests, and Camb-Hams could not get far enough ahead to overtake them in the last leg on 432 MHz.

So Bristol CG win the Hadley Wood Contest Group Trophy and Camb-Hams are a worthy second.  Will nobody else challenge these two and move them down the table?  Not too far behind in third place are Grimsby ARS, whose progress has been notable since they started entering on VHF/UHF as well as HF.

The number of clubs entering one or more AFS contests has been fairly consistent, but there was an increase in the number entering five or six.  Those who managed all six, and who finish in the top three quarters of each AFS table win an "Honourable Mention" certificate.  This was achieved by Tall Trees CG, Spalding & DARS, Bolton Wireless Club, Addiscombe ARC  and Tiverton (SW) RC.  Several clubs came close, so we can perhaps expect more Honourable Mentions next year.

Congratulations to all award winners, and we look forward to seeing everyone again for the first AFS contest later this year in the 2015-16 Super League season -- 18th October --50 MHz.

Ed Taylor, GW3SQX

AFS Super League 2014-15 2014