
RSGB Contest Results HF Championship 2014   
v4.146 by G4CLA

In this year's HF Championship, Nick G4FAL continued his winning streak to take the G2QT Trophy once more -- congratulations!  Entering all six qualifying contests, Nick achieved over 85% of the winning score in five of them. In second place was Steve GW0GEI, with Stewart GW0ETF following up in third.

Looking back over the many years that the Championship has been running, it is interesting to note the changes that have been made in the last ten years. In 2004, 75% percent of the events which counted towards the final score were CW only. In 2014, just half were CW only.  Whether you regard this as good or bad may depend on your preferences, but it probably reflects more closely the balance of contest operation on the HF bands today.

The HF Championship for 2015 begins in February on 1.8 MHz. Good luck to all!


HF Championship 2014