
RSGB Contest Results HF Championship 2016   
v4.146 by G4CLA

Apart from operating skill and having good antennas, an important factor in the HF Championship is to enter as many contributing contests as possible.  Steve, GW0GEI, entered eight of the ten, and achieved a worthy first place, winning the G2QT Trophy.  Close behind in second place was Bryan, G3RLE, with Steve, G3ZVW, coming third.

Participation levels in RSGB contests can be estimated by comparing the numbers shown in the annual HF Championship results tables.  In recent years, only one contest entry was required to be listed, and so it seems that the level of entrants has remained fairly static at around 200.

In 2017, there are a few changes to the HF Championship rules, which can be seen at:

http://www.rsgbcc.org/hf/rules/2017/rhfchamp.shtml . The 80m/40m AFS contests are added for single-operators, and the International Sprints have been removed.  We look forward to seeing everyone in as many contests as possible in 2017.  Good luck!



HF Championship 2016