
RSGB Contest Results HF Championship 2019   
v4.146 by G4CLA

HF Championship 2019

For the first time, the HF Championship was decided by the results of eleven contests during the year, the 1.8 MHz AFS Club Calls event having been added to the previous ten.

If the number of callsigns that appear in the listings can be considered to be a proxy for the state of HF Contesting in the UK&CD, then we are indeed in rude health with this year's total (429) being the highest ever and a 15% increase on last year.  Having said that, there are only 8 Intermediate callsigns and two whose highest licence is Foundation in the table, so still lots of scope for others to join in.

The east coast of England seemed to be the place to be if you wanted to compete for the top honours with Dave, G3TBK and Peter, M0RYB going head to head throughout the year.  Entering and doing well in every qualifying contest are the other probably more telling factors. John, G4CZB (who doesn't live on the east coast) in third place wins the final certificate of merit.

The eventual victor after a stronger finish in the second half of the year was Dave, G3TBK who wins the G2QT Cup for the first time in 25 years.  Dave scored an average of 893 points per event with runner up Peter, M0RYB 855. Peter must be wondering what more he can do to win, having won four of this year's events outright and having been pipped to the post in 2018. Still there's always next year .....

The first qualifying event in 2020 is the AFS 80m-40m CW contest on Saturday 4th January.

Graham Coomber G0NBI

HF Championship 2019