
RSGB Contest Results HF Championship 2021   
v4.146 by G4CLA

HF Championship 2021

The number of callsigns appearing in the Championship table has topped 500 for the first time (502) suggesting that last year's large increase was not solely a side effect of COVID restrictions.

Once again, the top of the table contains many familiar callsigns with seven of the top ten also appearing in last year's top ten.

In the event, the top two stations were 'in a league of their own' but last year's winner Dave, G3TBK made no mistake in securing his title for the third time and thus ensuring that his name is engraved once more on the G2QT Cup. In second place was John, G4CZB with Bryn, G3SWC taking the final podium place.  Other notable performances include Mike, G3VYI in 4th place (up from 12thlast year), Brian, GM4JYB in 6th (up from 36th) and Richard GW4BVJ in 9th (up from 23rd)

The first qualifying event in 2022 (and indeed the first HF event in the New Year) is the AFS 80m-40m CW contest on Saturday 8th January starting at 1300 UTC.

With every good wish for the holiday season and, on behalf of the adjudication team, many thanks for your participation throughout 2021.


Graham Coomber G0NBI

HF Championship 2021