
RSGB Contest Results 1.3GHz UKAC 2014   
v4.146 by G4CLA

23cm UKAC Final Results 2014

Another great year for the 23cm UKAC’s which have gone from strength to strength.
Several new calls appeared on during the contests this year as more people become equipped for operation on the band. An overall 32% increase in entry level was seen over last year.
The QSO analysis shows some interesting activity levels with 91 entries in July, 150 active stations in September & 29 active locator squares in June.

The top 3 places in the club section are held by the same teams as last year but results are not so close together. Travelling Wave Contest Group with 17 stations contributing to their score are leading by a large margin. Bolton Wireless Club have 16 stations contributing to their runner up position.
South Birmingham RS, G8OHM lead the AO table by winning 11 sessions which easily gave them their 8 required wins to take top place. G4BRK representing Harwell ARS achieved second place.
G4NBS for Camb-Hams wins the AR section and wins 7 of the qualifying 8 sessions with G8CUL as runner up representing Harwell ARS & wins 2 of their sessions.
The AL section is a lot closer at the top with GW8ASD on behalf of Travelling Wave CG in top place & wins 4 sessions. G4CLA for Parallel Lines CG wins 2 sessions and is in second place.

Congratulations go to all certificate winners as below.

  • Club Section Winner: Travelling Wave CG
  • Club Section Runner-up: Bolton Wireless Club
  • AO Section Winner: South Birmingham RS G8OHM
  • AO Section Runner-up: Neil Whiting G4BRK
  • AR Section Winner: Tony Collett G4NBS
  • AR Section Runner-up: Mike & Ann Stevens G8CUL
  • AL Section Winner: Tony Pugh GW8ASD
  • AL Section Runner-up: Pete Lindsay G4CLA
  • AR Section Leading Intermediate Station: Tim Jones 2E0TJX
  • AL Section Leading Intermediate Station: Andy Brown 2E0VPX

Good luck to all participants for 2015 & thank you for your support during 2014.

Richard G4WFR

This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC