
RSGB Contest Results 1.3GHz UKAC 2017   
v4.146 by G4CLA

1.3GHz UKAC December 2017

The results for the December 1.3GHz UK Activity Contest are presented below.

On average there were 98 entries per month, with numbers peaking in August with 113 entries. Over the year 215 different callsigns entered the contest.

Winners of the General Club Section are 807 ARO, with Travelling Wave CG as runners up and GMDX coming third. In the Local Club Section winners are Sheffield & District Wireless Society, with Bolton Wireless Club in second place and Hereford ARS coming in third.

In the individual sections, Open was won by John G3XDY with South Birmingham G8OHM runner up and John G4ZTR in third place. The Leading Non-UK entrant was Frank PE1EWR. Restricted was won by Pete G4CLA with Mike G8CUL runner up and Gordon G8PNN in third place. The Leading Non-UK entrant was Conrad PA5Y. Low Power was won by Denis G3UVR, with Mandy M0MDY as runner up and M1MHZ operated by Bob (G1ZJP) in third place.

Highest placed Intermediate was Andrew 2E0RET/P.

Congratulations to all the winners and those gaining certificates.

The first 1.3GHz UKAC session for 2018 starts at 2000 local time (2000 UTC) on Tuesday January  16th 2018.

Jacqui G6XSY

This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC