
RSGB Contest Results 1.3GHz UKAC 2019   
v4.146 by G4CLA


81 entries were received for the December 2019 1.3GHz UKAC session (14 section AO, 21 section AR and 46 section AL). This was 21 down on November, and was in fact the second lowest entry of the year. A total of 138 valid calls appear in the logs, from 34 big squares and 11 DXCC entities. The best DX was once again between G3XDY and SK7MW in JO65 square at 861km.

Conditions were universally reported as poor or very poor (expressed using various alternative sets of words....), with weak signals and the going hard. Correspondingly, with one exception activity was considered low with several regulars missing. Taken together with reports of deep QSB plus cold and rain, this was clearly not a good session from which to sign off from the 2019 1.3GHz UKAC season.

The next session, the first of the 2020 season, takes place on, takes place on Tuesday 21st January between 2000 and 2230 UTC.

Moving now onto the results for the year as a whole, the total number of entries is holding up well, with 1112 received during 2019, just five down on the total for 2018. The number of entries per month varied between 92 in February and 103 in August, very similar to the distribution in 2018, and the number of stations appearing in entrant's logs followed a similar pattern, varying between 138 in December and 186 in August. The best DX of the year was between Keith G4ODA and SM6VTZ in JO58 square at 970km during the July session, but the laurels for best DX consistency must go John G3XDY for his contacts with SK7MW in JO65 at 861km in eight of the twelve sessions!

Thanks to all who took part, and congratulations to the certificate winners, as follows:

General Club section

Leading club - 807 ARO

Second placed club - Northern Fells CG

Third placed club - Drowned Rats RG

Local club section

Leading club - Hereford ARS

Second placed club - Bolton WC

Third placed club - Worksop ARS

Section AO

Leading entrant - G3XDY

Second placed entrant - G4ODA

Third placed entrant - G4ZTR

Leading non-UK entrant - PE1EWR

Section AR

Leading entrant - G4CLA

Second placed entrant - G4ASR

Third placed entrant - G7LRQ

Section AL

Leading entrant - G1YBB/P

Second placed entrant - G3UVR

Third placed entrant - M1MHZ

Leading Intermediate Licensee - 2E0MDJ(/P)

Leading non-UK entrant - F1CBC

Entrant providing greatest number of entrants with their best DX - GI6ATZ

That's it for 2019 - hope to see you in 2020.

Quin Collier G3WRR


This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC