
RSGB Contest Results 1.3GHz UKAC 2020   
v4.146 by G4CLA


113 entries were received for the December 2020 1.3GHz UKAC session (18 section AO, 36 section AR and 58 section AL, plus one checklog). This was one down on November. A total of 192 valid calls appear in the logs, from 38 big squares (23 UK&CD and 15 outside) and 13 DXCC entities (including all UK call areas). The best DX was between G4KUX (IO94) and OZ9PZ (JO46) at 703 km - a mere 2km greater than the next best distance!

Conditions were reported as average by one station , but the great majority of entrants found them flat / poor - or worse. One entrant described them as weird, with multipathing, odd beam headings and flutter also noted. Deep QSB (reported as 'killer' by one station) was also a problem. Opinions on activity were evenly balanced between 'well supported' and 'low activity'. All in all, a bit of a low note on which to sign off the 2020 season for 1.3GHz UKACs!

The first session of the 2021 season takes place on Tuesday 19thJanuary between 2000 and 2230 UTC.

Moving now on to the whole year results, the total number of entries was very encouraging, with 1435 received during 2020 - 29% up on 2019. This is no doubt due in part to the effect of COVID lockdown, but is very welcome nevertheless and it is to be hoped that this increased level of activity will be sustained once the COVID crisis has passed. The number of entries per month varied between 90 in February and 136 in April. The best DX of the year was between Keith G4ODA and SK0CT in JO99 at 1351km during the September session, although in most months it varied between 700 and 900km. The laurels for best DX consistency again go to John G3XDY for his contacts with SK7MW in JO65 at 861km in three of the sessions!

Thanks to all those who took part, and congratulations to the certificate winners, as follows:

General Club section

Leading club - 807 ARO

Second placed club - Northern Fells CG

Third placed club - Wirral & DARC

Local club section

Leading club - Hereford ARS

Second placed club - Bolton Wireless Club

Third placed club - Milton Keynes ARS

Section AO

Leading entrant - G3XDY

Second placed entrant - G4ODA

Third placed entrant - G4ZTR

Leading non-UK entrant - PE1EWR

Section AR

Leading entrant - G4CLA

Second placed entrant - G4ASR

Third placed entrant - G7LRQ

Leading Intermediate Licensee - 2E0FNU/P

Leading non-UK entrant - PA5Y

Section AL

Leading entrant - G8DMU(/P)

Second placed entrant - G3SQQ

Third placed entrant - M1MHZ

Leading Intermediate Licensee - 2E0XMB

Leading non-UK entrant - F1CBC

That's it for 2020 - hope to see you in 2021.

Quin Collier G3WRR


This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC