
RSGB Contest Results 1.3GHz UKAC 2021   
v4.146 by G4CLA


In reviewing the results of the 2021 1.3GHz UKAC series, it's worth starting with some overall statistics. The number of clubs taking part was 68, 42 in the General Club section and 26 in the Local Club Section. This was 10% up on the figure for 2020. The total number of entries received for the series as a whole was 1418 - 2.5% down on 2020. The number of entries per session varied between 108 (July) and 139 (April), an average of 118. The total number of different callsigns submitting entries was was 269 - down on 2020 by 1%. A total number of callsigns appearing in logs across the whole series was 2335.

The total number of DXCC entities worked across the series was fifteen (DL, EA, EI, F, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW - all UK&CD call areas - ON, OZ, PA and SM).  The number of DXCCs appearing on a month by month basis was fairly steady, varying between ten in May and fifteen in June.  However all fifteen were worked in a single session (June) which exhibited excellent propagation. The best DX took place in the December session and was between G1LPS /P in IO94 and EB1B in IN73 at 1277km - apart from this contact, monthly best DXs were all in the range 637km and 970km.

Looking at the club results, in the General Club section the leading entrant is Northern Fells CG, moving up one place from second. In second place is 807 ARO, last year's winner. Third place is taken by Harwell ARO who move up one place. In the Local Club section, Hereford ARS retains first place from 2020. Coming second and third, Milton Keynes ARS and Bolton Wireless Club swop positions, with Milton Keynes taking second place and Bolton third.

Moving on to individual results, the leading two entrants in the Open section retain their 2020 positions (G3XDY in first place and G4ODA in second), with GI6ATZ moving up two places to third. In the Restricted section, the leading place is retained by G4CLA (last year's winner), with G8CUL moving up two places to second and G4ASR moving down one place to third. In the Low Power section, G8DMU(/P) and G3SQQ retain first and second places and in third F1BHL/P moves up from 30th.

All the above-named clubs and stations are awarded certificates. Other certificates are awarded as follows:

Leading non-UK&CD entrant (Open section) - F1MKG

Leading non-UK&CD entrant (Restricted section) - PA5Y

Leading non-UK&CD entrant (Low Power section) - F1BHL/P

Leading Intermediate Licensee (Restricted section) - 2E0VCC/P

Leading Intermediate Licensee (Low Power section) - 2E0MDJ/P

Entrant providing the best DX contact for the greatest number of entrants (122) - GM4JTJ

Congratulations to all the certificate winners and thanks to all the 2021 participants.

Well, that's it for the 2021 23cm UKAC- hope to see you on the band in the 2022 season!

Quin Collier G3WRR


This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC