
RSGB Contest Results 144MHz AFS 2013   
v4.146 by G4CLA

144 MHz AFS 2013

The number of entries for this event rose slightly this year to 115.  The club element showed strong support with 42 clubs (37 in 2012) entering.  Of these, seven clubs fielded an "A" and a "B" team with Trowbridge also managing to field a "C" team.

Portable activity increased this year with twenty four hardy entrants.  While the temperatures were low, the rain stayed away, strong winds were noted in some areas.  Conditions were generally rated as average with deep QSB causing problems.  In 2013 the length of the event was reduced from eight hours to six.  As expected this produced many comments both for and against the change!  Perhaps the major impact was the reduction in the overlap with the French contest to only one hour.  Comments are welcomed.

Overall there were 461 stations recorded in the logs in 73 squares (including 28 UK squares).  Outside of the UK: 25 DL, 2 EI, 68 F, 1 HB9, 9 ON and 15 PA stations were logged.  All of these numbers are increases over 2012 despite the shorter length of the contest.  Sadly there were no Foundation Class entrants in the SF section.

Logging standards are in general improving.  Interesting the greatest source of logging errors in this event was in copying the RS(T) which accounted for 33% of all errors.  The rest of the other errors were equally spread across callsign (particularly the failure to log /P), locator and serial number.

In the club competition Bristol CG "A" leap from third place in 2012 to first place and take the G3MEH Trophy.  Trowbridge & DARC "A", the winners for the last two years, drop to second place.

In the individual sections congratulations go to:

  •  G4TSW (operated by G4RRA and G4FJK) for winning the Open Section for the third year running;
  •  G6YB/P (operated by G0BKU, G4FKA, G4FSU and M0MAT) for second place in the Open Section;
  •  G0KPW (operated by Pete, G4CLA) for winning the SF section for the third year running;
  •  Dave G7RAU for second place in the SF section;
  •  Paul, 2E0PCF/P as the leading intermediate entrant in the Open section;
  •  Phil, M6SRZ/P as the leading foundation entrant in the Open section
  •  Pete, 2E0NEY as the leading intermediate entrant in the SF section;
  •  Ken, G4APJ as the leading fixed station running 25 watts or less into a single antenna.

These stations will receive certificates.

Roger - G4BVY

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 13/14