
RSGB Contest Results 144MHz AFS 2014   
v4.146 by G4CLA

144 MHz AFS 2014

The number of entries for this event rose by 20% this year to an all time high of 138.  The competitive nature of the super league has led to a continuing increase in the number of clubs taking part.  This year there were 49 clubs, an increase of 17%, of which 9 managed to field a "B" team and one, Farnborough & DRS, managed to field a "C" team.  Portable activity was down with seventeen hardy groups braving the elements.  The strong winds, cold temperatures and the rain, hail and sleet showers may have deterred some.

Comments on the conditions were varied but the majority were of the view that conditions were below average.  Many entrants commented on the slow deep QSB.  Rain and sleet static caused problems for some.  

In total there were 388 stations recorded in the logs in 51 squares (including 24 UK squares). Outside of the UK there were 11 DL, 42 F, 3 ON and 7 PA logged.  The best DX was between G7RAU (IO90) and DG7TG at 816 kms.    There were a further 69 QSOs greater than 600kms of which 13 were greater than 700 kms.

Activity continued throughout the event with 11% of QSOs taking place in the fifth hour and 10.6% in the final hour.  One entrant requested an earlier start to gain a greater overlap with the French contest and one portable station requested an earlier finish.  The current levels of activity support a six hour event and the current timings are probably the best compromise to allow portable stations to set up and take down mainly in daylight. However, comments are welcomed to the adjudicator

Logging standards were average with 5% of QSOs being disallowed during adjudication.  The leading stations lost around 2% of their claimed scores which is certainly a target for entrants to aim at.  Logging errors were equally spread across callsigns, locators, signal reports and serial numbers.

In the club competition Bristol CG "A" repeated their victory in 2013 to retain the G3MEH Trophy. Trowbridge & DARC "A", retained their runners up spot.

In the individual sections congratulations go to:

  •  G4TSW (operated by G4FJK and G4RRA) for winning the Open Section for the forth year running;
  •  G8NEY/P (operated by M0GHZ and 2E0NEY) for second place in the Open Section;
  •  Dave, G7RAU for winning the SF section, up from second place in 2013;
  •  Richard GD8EXI for second place in the SF section;
  •  2E0BMO (operated by 2E0BMO, 2E0DGP, G0JCQ, G3ZII and G4TUP)  as the leading intermediate entrant in the Open section;
  •  Phillip, 2E0NVS as the leading intermediate entrant in the SF section;
  •  Ken, G4APJ as the leading fixed station running 25 watts or less into a single antenna;
  •  Frank, PE1EWR as the leading non-UK station in the SF section.

These stations will receive certificates

Roger - G4BVY

Note:  As your adjudicator entered this event, the adjudication has been independently audited by the RSGB Contest Committee Chairman.

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 14/15