
RSGB Contest Results 144MHz AFS 2019   
v4.146 by G4CLA

144 MHz AFS 2019

Activity was slightly down this year, almost certainly due to the severe weather commented on by many entrants.  There were over 5800 QSOs between 334 stations in 55 locator squares.  Well done to all who braved the elements, especially the portable competitors.

Conditions were mostly flat with a few mentioning enhanced conditions to France early in the contest.

ODX was worked by Dave G7RAU to F6DRO at 898km.

This year the competition is split between local clubs and general (national) clubs.

In the general section Addiscombe ARC 'A' (G7RAU, 2E0PUT/P, G3VYI and G3SJX) are overall winners with Drowned Rats RG 'A' (M0ICR, M0UGA/P, G7LRQ and G3WCB/P) runners up.

In the local club section Camb-Hams 'A' (G4BWP, G5PI/P, G3PYE/P and M1BXF) continue their winning ways with Grimsby ARS 'A' (G4ODA, G3TBK/P, G4YHF and G4LPD) again runners up.

Congratulations go to:

  • Dave, G7RAU for winning the Single Op Fixed section;
  • Richard, GD8EXI for second place in the Single Op Fixed section;
  • James, 2E0OUT as the leading intermediate entrant in the Single Op Fixed section;
  • Brian, MM6POV as the leading foundation entrant in the Single Op Fixed section;
  • David, M0GHZ (/P) for winning the Open Section;
  • G5PI/P (operated by Tony G4NBS and Colin G4CWH) for second place in the Open Section;
  • Steven, 2E0PUT (/P) as the leading intermediate entrant in the Open section;
  • Mark, G6DOD as the leading fixed station running 25 watts or less into a single antenna;
  • Mike, F4VRB as the leading non-UK station in the Open section;
  • Frank, PE1EWR as the leading non-UK station in the Single Op Fixed section.

Mike Davies, G0KAD

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 19/20