
RSGB Contest Results 144MHz AFS 2021   
v4.146 by G4CLA

144 MHz AFS 2021

Conditions were flat with very noticeable QSB, the wind was a problem for many stations with reduced antenna height.  Despite that, in general, the competition was enjoyed by all.

ODX was worked by Dave G7RAU to PA5MS at 773km.

The competition is split between local clubs and general (national) clubs.

In the general section the winner and runner ups are the same as last year. Crawley ARC (G0VVE, G8DOH, G6RC and M5MC/P) are overall winners with Weekend CG 'A' (G5WCG/P, G4HGT, G0EAK/P and G1PPA/P) runners up.

In the local club section Camb-Hams 'A' (G6UW, M1MHZ, G3PYE/P and G4NBS) continue their winning ways with Grimsby ARC 'A' (G4ODA, G3TBK/P, G4DHF/M and G6NUM) as runners up. Camb-Hams 'A' are awarded the G3MEH Trophy.

Congratulations go to:

Dave, G7RAU for winning the Single Op Fixed section;

Richard, GD8EXI for second place in the Single Op Fixed section;

Peter, 2E0NEY as the leading intermediate entrant in the Single Op Fixed section;

David, M7ALE as the leading foundation entrant in the Single Op Fixed section;

Dave, G3TBK/P for winning the Open Section;

GW4CC (operated by Kenneth, GW0RHC) for second place in the Open Section;

Gary, M7EGD/P as the leading foundation entrant in the Open section;

Ian, G0XBU as the leading fixed station running 25 watts or less into a single antenna;

Frank, PE1EWR as the leading non-UK station in the Single Op Fixed section and Mike F4VRB for the leading non-UK station in the Open section.

Tom Melvin, GM8MJV

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 21/22