
RSGB Contest Results 144MHz FMAC 2019   
v4.146 by G4CLA

Overall results of the 2019 144MHz FM Activity Contest (FMAC)

The third year of the 144MHz FMAC has seen 73 entries (72 in 2018) for the 50W section and 58 entries (61 in 2018) for the 10W section. The number of entrants per contest has varied over the year from a maximum of 51 in January and May to a minimum of 33 in July, October and November with an overall average of 39 (35 in 2018).  The number of stations active in this contest varied from 76 (November) to 126 (January) with an average of just over 101 (122 in 2018).

For 2019, the results include a table for Local Category Club scores and members of eighteen Affiliated Societies submitted their scores for this table.

Congratulations to the following entrants and Affiliated Societies who all receive certificates for their efforts:

10W Section

  • 1st Place: Rob G7LAS/P
  • 2nd Place: Steven G1YBB/P
  • 3rd Place: Helen M0TMD/P
  • Leading Intermediate Entrant: Steven 2W0JYN/P
  • Leading Foundation Entrant: Scot M6JPU

50W Section

  • 1st Place: Stephen GW4SHF
  • 2nd Place: Tom G8GYX(/P)
  • 3rd Place: Mel G8EOP
  • Leading Intermediate Entrant: Dom 2E0WHQ/P
  • Leading non-UK Entrant: Jacques F1BHL/P

Local Club Section

  • 1st Place: Hereford Amateur Radio Society
  • 2nd Place: Bolton Wireless Club
  • 3rd Place: Swindon & District Amateur Radio Club

The first 2020 144MHz FMAC session starts at 1900 local time (1900 UTC) on Tuesday January 7th.