
RSGB Contest Results 144MHz UKAC 2014   
v4.146 by G4CLA

2m UKAC – Review of 2014

The activity in the 2m UKAC continues to climb. This year the number of entrants topped 200 in every session and peaked at 252 in April. Band congestion and local QRM were frequent comments from entrants!

The number of multipliers available in each session varied between 26 (in March) and 32 (in July). In total, nearly 116,000 QSOs were made during the 2014 2m UKAC.

For the second year running, the club element of the 2m UKAC produced a fierce competition between last year’s winners Travelling Wave Contest Group (TWCG) and the 2012 winners Bolton Wireless Club (BWC). The TWCG managed to field 23 different stations this year and BWC fielded 28 stations.  However, the superior individual results of the TWCG team members enabled them to produce an unbeatable total and thus retain the G6NB Trophy.

In the AL (10 Watt) section, four stations dominated: G8XVJ/P, G0HEL/P, G4ODA and M1EYP/P. All of these station scored more than 7,700 (out of 8,000) points. Erik G8XVJ started off the year relatively slowly but by winning five of the last six sessions just beat (by 19 points) Alan G0HEL for the top place in this section.  

The AR (100 Watt) section witnessed a very close battle between M0BUL/P, M1MHZ, M1DDD/P, M0DXR/P, G3PYE/P and G8PNN/P.  All of these stations managed to score more than 7,800 (out of 8,000) points. M0BUL/P won six sessions, M1MHZ won three sessions, M1DDD/P won two sessions and G3PYE/P won one session. However, to achieve success in the UKAC, consistently high performance is required and Craig M0BUL produced this year’s winning performance amassing 7976 points, beating last year’s winner Bob G1ZJP operating as M1MHZ by 27 points.

The AO (400 Watt, unlimited antenna) section also produced a battle between several stations.  Three stations, MM0GPZ/P, GI4SNA and G4CLA all scored more than 7,100 (out of 8,000) points. MM0GPZ/P operated by Gordon MM0GPZ and Philip GM0LIR won six of the twelve sessions to win this section. David GI4SNA won two sessions to come second.

The AX section produced a runaway winner.  Andy GM4JR won eleven of the twelve sessions to gain an unbeatable score of 8000 points.  Alastair G4RUL won the remaining session and was the runner-up in this section.

In summary, congratulations to:

2m Club Championship

  1. G6NB Trophy Winner: The Travelling Wave Contest Group
  2. Runner-up: The Bolton Wireless Club

AL Section

  1. Winner: Erik Gedvilas G8XVJ
  2. Runner-up: Alan Nicholls G0HEL
  3. Leading Intermediate Licensee: Paul Faulkner 2E0PCF
  4. Foundation Shield Winner (Leading Foundation Licensee): Andrew Power M6RET

AO Section

  1. Winner: MM0GPZ/P operated by Gordon Paterson MM0GPZ and Philip Woods GM0LIR
  2. Runner-up: David Ross GI4SNA

AR Section

  1. Winner: Craig Costford M0BUL
  2. Runner-up: M1MHZ operated by Bob Offer G1ZJP
  3. Intermediate Shield Winner (Leading Intermediate Licensee): Pete Millard 2E0NEY
  4. Leading Overseas station: F1VNR/P operated by Malcolm Bryan G8MCA

AX Section

  1. Winner: Andy Anderson GM4JR
  2. Runner-up: Alastair Turner G4RUL

The 2015 UKAC using the new M7 multiplier system kicks off with the 2m UKAC on Tuesday January 6th at 2000 local time (2000 UTC).


This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC