
RSGB Contest Results 144MHz UKAC 2020   
v4.146 by G4CLA

144MHz UKAC December 2020

The results for the December 144MHz UKAC are presented below. There were 319 logs received this month and a further 292 callsigns appeared in the logs.

The VHFCC has observed some groups of stations agreeing an order of contact on a net prior to the start of the contest. It does not believe that pre-arrangements like this which serve to make an early contest pile-up easier to manage are within the spirit of the contest, and such pre-arrangements must not take place. Action is likely to be taken in the event of future instances of this behaviour.

2020 144MHz UKAC - Review of the year

This series of contests continues to be popular with an average number of entrants per session of 322 (256 in 2019, 270 in 2018, 269 in 2017). There were at least 262 entrants in every session this year and entries peaked at 367 in the April session.

The number of locator squares active in each session varied between 54 (in January) and 72 (in September). The number of stations active in each session varied between 504 (in January) and 785 (in April). In total, 157,241 QSOs (123,419 in 2019; 129,250 in 2018) were made during the 2020 144MHz UKAC.

The General Club Category was dominated for the fourth year running by the 807 ARO who topped the table in all twelve sessions. Up from fifth place last year, Northern Fells CG were in second place with Wirral & DARC improving one place to claim third place. Eighty Affiliated Societies (70 in 2019, 79 in 2018) competed in the General Club Category.

The top spot in the Local Club Category was claimed for the third year running by Hereford ARS who also topped the table in all twelve sessions. Second place was claimed Cray Valley RS, up from fifth place in 2019. Northampton RC improved by one place this year to claim third place. Thirty-four Affiliated Societies (34 in 2019, 32 in 2018) competed in the Local Club Category.

Once again, the AO (400 Watt, unlimited antenna) section was dominated by Pete G4CLA who won all eleven of the sessions he entered.  Richard GD8EXI was in the runners-up spot, only 188 points behind G4CLA. Competition for third place was intense and produced a battle between three stations, GM3SEK, G4ASR and G3YYD. All of these stations scored more than 7000 (out of 8000) points. After the final session in December, Ian GM3SEK emerged in third place and David G4ASR in fourth.  The leading Intermediate Licensee was Martin 2E0KAU/2M0KAU(/P). The leading Foundation Licensee was Gabor M6YUG. The leading non-UK Station for the fourth year running was Conrad PA5Y, having entered seven sessions. One hundred and eleven stations entered the AO section (94 in 2019 and 2018).

The AR (100 Watt, single antenna) section witnessed a very close battle between G4ODA, G3XDY, GD0AMD/P and G8PNN(/P).  All of these stations managed to score more than 7700 points (out of 8000). To achieve success in the UKAC, consistently high performance is required in at least eight of the twelve sessions and Keith G4ODA produced this year's winning performance for amassing 7917 points, beating the runner-up John G3XDY by 62 points. Andy GD0AMD/P was in third place with a score of 7779. Darrell 2E0VCC(/P) was the leading Intermediate Station in this section. The leading Non-UK Station was Philippe F1CBC. 439 stations entered the AR section.

In the AL (10 Watt, single antenna) section, three stations scored at least 7,650 points (out of 8,000): G1YBB(/P), G8DMU(/P) and G6DOD The winner was Steven G1YBB who won seven sessions and was highly placed in an eighth session to score 7968 points. Tony G8DMU/P was in second place, only 54 points behind G1YBB. Mark G6DOD was in third place with 7650 points. Andy 2E0XMB was the leading Intermediate Station with 6897 points and is awarded the Intermediate Shield. Donna M7DON(/P) was the Leading Foundation Station with 7140 points and is awarded the Foundation Shield. Jacques F1BHL(/P) was the leading non-UK Station. 226 stations entered the AL section.

A certificate is also awarded for the station who provides the most stations with their best DX on each band in the UKAC across the year. The winner of the Best DX certificate on 144MHz this year is GD8EXI who provided 314 stations with their best DX in the 144MHz UKAC. In second place was GM3SEK who provide 242 stations with their best DX and in third place was PA5Y who provided 227 stations with their best DX.

In summary, congratulations to:

144MHz Club Championship, General Club Category:

1st Place and Winner of the UKAC 144MHz Club Trophy: 807 ARO

2nd Place: Northern Fells CG

3rd Place: Wirral & DARC

144MHz Club Championship, Local Club Category:

1st Place and Winner of the G6NB Trophy: Hereford ARS

2nd Place: Cray Valley RS

3rd Place:  Northampton RC

AO Section:

1st Place: Pete G4CLA

2nd Place: Richard GD8EXI

3rd Place: Ian GM3SEK

Leading Intermediate Licensee:   Martin 2E0KAU/2M0KAU

Leading Foundation Licensee: Gabor M6YUG

Leading Non-UK Station: Conrad PA5Y

AR Section:

1st Place: Keith G4ODA

2nd Place: John G3XDY

3rd Place: Andy GD0AMD

Leading Intermediate Licensee: Darrell 2E0VCC

Leading Non-UK Station:  Philippe F1CBC

AL Section:

1st Place: Steven G1YBB

2nd Place: Tony G8DMU

3rd Place: Mark G6DOD

Leading Intermediate Licensee and Winner of the Intermediate Shield: Andy 2E0XMB

Leading Foundation Licensee and Winner of the Foundation Shield: Donna M7DON

Leading Young Amateur (Under-18): Oscar M7OJA

Leading Non-UK Station: Jacques F1BHL

The first 2021 144MHz UKAC session starts at 2000 local time on Tuesday January 5th. Just before this event is the 144MHz FM Activity Contest (FMAC) which starts at 1900 local time with a duration of 55 minutes.


This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC