
RSGB Contest Results 1st MGM contest 2019   
v4.146 by G4CLA

1st MGM Contest 2019

6m Contest

A total of 26 entrants working 186 stations in 60 locator squares, down on last year perhaps because of Easter weekend which was commented on by some.

There were fewer periods of sporadic E in evidence and like last year, most QSOs were completed using FT8 with some impressive MS contacts mixed in.

Conditions were widely described as flat with only a slight increase in 'normal' background levels of meteor activity despite the Lyrid shower.

ODX for the contest goes to M0AHN who worked IS0AWZ at 1543km

2m Contest

A total of 37 entrants working 337 stations in 98 locator squares.  Fewer entrants but more active stations.

ODX for the contest goes to GW6TEO who worked E77GS at 1803km.

Please remember that this is an MGM contest not just an FT8 contest.  As such we do NOT requrie serial numbers to be exchanged as most MGM modes don't support this.  There is no need to use "contest mode" as it causes delay and confusion.

See you in December for part 2.

Mike, G0KAD