
RSGB Contest Results 1st MGM contest 2020   
v4.146 by G4CLA

1st MGM Contest 2020

The results of the 1st MGM contest are presented below. Fifty-six stations from ten countries entered this contest and between them, they made 2327 QSOs.

The best DX on 50MHz goes to MM5DWW who worked F1RHS at 1800km. On 144Mz, the best goes to DL5EBS who worked RO3X at 1896km.

Please remember we do NOT require serial numbers to be exchanged so please do NOT use the contest mode that is available in some of the software packages. The use of a contest mode can cause delay, confusion and lost QSOs!

Congratulations to the section leaders and runners up as shown in the results tables below.