
RSGB Contest Results 23/13cms Trophy 2013   
v4.146 by G4CLA

1.3GHz & 2.3GHz Trophy Contests 2013

The entry level for these contests which run during the IARU UHF contest was considerably lower than in 2012 with conditions & activity reported as poor. Hopefully some of the stations that enter the UKAC's will be able to join in this event in the future & increase activity on the bands just like our European counterparts.

Congratulations go to John Quarmby G3XDY for winning the 1.3 GHz VHF Contest Committee Cup & to South Birmingham Radio Society operated by Ian G8IFT, Gemma M6GKG & Mick G7RRP for winning the 2.3 GHz G6ZR Memorial Trophy. Congratulations also go to all certificate winners.

Many thanks to all entrants and stations that were active on the bands.

Richard G4WFR

This contest is part of the following contest series VHF Championship