
RSGB Contest Results 23/13cms Trophy 2016   
v4.146 by G4CLA

As with the October UHF Contest there were fewer entries for this contest than last year, possibly because of the clash of dates with the Newark Hamfest.  And several entrants refer to dreadful weather which can't have helped.

Most stations managed QSO's onto the continent, ODX on 23cm being from Warrington at 877km and on 13cm for G3XDY at 684km (both lower than ODX in 2015).  However the level of activity was much lower than in 2015 on 23cm with only 111 active stations (148 in 2015) and 48 on 13cm (46 in 2015).

Congratulations to Colchester RA who win the VHF Contest Committee Trophy, and to G3XDY who wins the G6ZR Memorial Trophy.  Congratulations also to Reigate and Crawley, G7LRQ, G8LZE, Five Bells, G3UVR and G3YJR all of whom win certificates.

Stephen Purser G4SHF    g4shf@rsgbcc.org

This contest is part of the following contest series VHF Championship