
RSGB Contest Results 2nd MGM contest 2018   
v4.146 by G4CLA

2nd MGM Contest 2018

A little different feel to this contest with barely any Sporadic Es but some fairly good meteor scatter conditions. Take a look at the open logs and comments to see what tactics were being used.

6m Contest

Just 19 entrants worked 119 stations in 68 locator squares.

Most QSOs were completed using FT8 via troposcatter followed by the longer distance squares achieved using meteor scatter, mostly MSK144.

ODX for the contest goes jointly to G4FKA and G0LGS who worked LY8O at 1890km

Congratulations and certificates go to:

Kevin,M0AHN wins the UKO section

EI9E operated by Lukas, EI5HTB and Declan, EI9HQ are winners of the EUO section

Steve,G1PPA wins the UKL section

Remigijus,LY8O wins the EUL section

Dean,2E0OLG is the leading intermediate licence holder.

2m Contest

Only 28 entrants worked 227 active stations in 72 locator squares.

The majority of contacts were made using FT8 with a handful of MS contacts logged.

ODX for the contest goes to the EI9E team their 1827km QSO with S51ZO.

Congratulations and certificates go to:

M1BXF (Gavin) wins the UKO section

DL5EBS (Hans-Juergen) wins the EUO section

G8HGN (Bob) wins the UKL sections

SQ1FYB(Andrzej) wins the EUL section

MI6XZZ (Neil) is the leading station with 25W or less to a single antenna and the leading foundation licence holder.

See you next year.

Mike, G0KAD