
RSGB Contest Results 2nd MGM contest 2019   
v4.146 by G4CLA

2nd MGM Contest 2019


Congratulations and certificates go to:

Kevin, M0AHN wins the combined UKO section

EI9E operated by Pete G4CLA, Martin G4XUM, John EI2FG, Billy EI7FJ, Mark EI3KD, Neil EI3JE AND Declan EI9HQ are winners of the EUO section.

Paul, G3YDY wins the UKL section

Waldemar, SP3UR wins the EUL section

6m Contest

A much reduced entry on 2018 with just six entries on 6m.

While conditions were mostly flat the majority of DX was worked using MS with ODX being between EI9E and SP8SN at 2062km.

2m Contest

A total of 16 entrants working 238 stations in 103 locator squares.  Again far fewer entrants than in previous editions but with good spread of active stations.

ODX for the contest goes to EI9E who worked YO2LSP at 2153km, very good for 2m MS.

Mike, G0KAD