
RSGB Contest Results 2nd MGM contest 2020   
v4.146 by G4CLA

2nd MGM Contest

It was a quiet event. On 144 Mhz there were only 32 entrants; 6 stations in UKO, 24 UKL, 1 EUO, 1 EUL between them there were 1230 QSO's. On 50 Mhz it was a low turnout with only 18 entrants; 2 UKO, 12 UKL, 2 EUO and 2 EUL and just over 450 QSO's.

The top stations in each category took advantage of the Geminids meteor shower to increase their locator count with many stations getting respectable distances. The best DX on 6m was 1846 Kms and on 2m it was 1999 Kms.

Next year (2021) there will be a change to these MGM contests, the two are being replaced with one in August (7th-8th). This has been scheduled to take advantage of the Persieds shower.

Unlike previous MGM contests there were no complaints received over `contest mode'. The event was well received the best comment being it was a `Fun Contest' - it was enjoyed by all. Tropo conditions were described as `average'.

Congratulations to the section leaders and runners up as shown in the results tables below.

Tom Melvin GM8MJV