
RSGB Contest Results 432MHz AFS 2012   
v4.146 by G4CLA

432MHz AFS 2012

Last year this contest coincided with some good conditions.   Sadly, this wasn’t to be repeated this year.   Conditions were described as poor with deep QSB.

The weather didn’t encourage portable operation either, with snow on the ground in many parts, and strong winds.

Even so, the total number of entrants was only slightly down on last year (72 in 2012, 76 in 2011).   There were 22 affiliated societies represented this year (23 in 2012).

It was a closely fought contest at the top, but Trowbridge and District Amateur Radio Club were leaders for the second year running, retaining the G0ODQ Trophy.   Chesham and District Amateur Radio Society were runners-up, also for the second year running.

In the individual contest David Millard M0GHZ/P topped the Open section this year, after winning the SF section from home last year.   South Birmingham Radio Society G8OHM were runners up.

The Single Operator Fixed section was won by Keith Tatnall G4ODA, with Spalding club mate Bob Offer G1ZJP (operating as M1MHZ) in second place.

The following also receive certificates:

  •  Leading Foundation Station – Brian Jones M6OXO
  •  Leading Intermediate Station - Pete Millard 2E0NEY
  •  Leading Overseas Station - Frank Laanen PE1EWR
  •  Leading fixed station  <25W into single antenna – Richard Staples G4HGI

This is the final event in the 2011/2012 Super League series.

Bob Edgar G0KYS