
RSGB Contest Results 432MHz AFS 2014   
v4.146 by G4CLA

432MHz AFS 2014

The final leg of the 2013/4 AFS Super League was keenly fought by 36 clubs of which four managed to field two teams and two clubs, Trowbridge and Spalding, who managed to field three teams.  Entries were up by 20% compared to 2013.

Most entrants agreed that the length of this event was "about right".  The activity held up throughout with hourly contact rates of 1173, 892, 773 and 627.  Overall 4% of all contacts were dis-allowed during adjudication.  The overlap with the French contest generated some extra activity with 54 QSOs being made with 15 stations.  Additionally 7 DLs, 1 ON and 2 PAs were worked.  Conditions were judged to be generally below average with severe QSB at times.  Despite this there were 20 QSOs made in excess of 600kms.  There were a significant number of entrants who operated from portable locations who benefited from the benign weather.

Congratulations go to:

  •  Nick, M1DDD/P, for winning the open section;
  •  Chris, G0HFX/P, as runner up in the open section;
  •  Richard, GD8EXI, as the winner of the SF section;
  •  Pete, G4CLA, as runner up in the SF section.

These, together with the other stations identified in the results, will receive certificates.

Roger - G4BVY

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 13/14