
RSGB Contest Results 432MHz AFS 2016   
v4.146 by G4CLA

Affiliated Society Contest 2016 - 432 MHz

What a difference a year makes!  Last year in this contest there was cold weather, but generally reasonable conditions and activity.  This time round, the weather was cold, but also very windy for many entrants, with rain adding to the misery.  Not surprisingly, fewer club members braved the elements to set up outdoors, and activity was down.

Nobody managed more than 100 QSOs during the four hours, although some came close.  The best DX, over 700 kms, was achieved by GD8EXI with F6DKW.  The French stations were entering their own contest, but there were  not really enough to make a big impression on scores.

Congratulations to Bristol Contest Group, who beat Blacksheep CG (last year's winners) into second place by quite a small margin, to win the G0ODQ Trophy.  Third place goes to Camb-Hams, who were also fairly close behind.

In the individual listings, M0BAA/P, operated by G0XDI, M0MUX, G4FAT and M0BTZ operated the winning station in Section O, some way ahead of last year's winners, G4BVY/P, operated by G4BVY and G4FRE.  In Section SF, GD8EXI had a convincing lead based mainly on the distances he was able to work, with GI6ATZ in second place.

Other awards go to 2E0KSH as the leading Intermediate entrant, and M0ICR -- the highest scoring fixed station running 25W or less to a single antenna.  PE1EWR was again the leading non-UK station, also earning a certificate of merit.


This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 15/16