
RSGB Contest Results 432MHz AFS 2017   
v4.146 by G4CLA

Affiliated Society Contest 2017 - 432 MHz

Activity showed some  increase over last year, with assistance from continental stations.  The French were holding a cumulative contest with a two-hour overlap, and this also helped those in the southern part of the country.  However, the cold weather and wind were inhibiting factors for any who ventured out portable, but those who did found that results generally justified their enterprise.

Conditions were generally quite good, but deep and slow QSB affected everyone.  Those at or near the top of the tables made around 100 QSOs, but, of course, distance is all-important when scoring is based on points per kilometre.  The best DX (over 750 km) was a QSO between GD8EXI and F6DKW, which was a repetition of last year's ODX.  A contact between M0GHZ/P and DL2OM/P was almost as far.

Camb-Hams win the G0ODQ Trophy, putting eleven stations on the air  They managed to beat certificate-winners Bristol Contest Group this year by a respectable margin.  Third place goes to Trowbridge, who moved up from their sixth place in last year's contest.

Certificates are also awarded to section winners M0GHZ and GD8EXI, and to runners-up M0WYB and G4ODA.  The leading Intermediate entrant was Andrew, 2E0RET, with David, G8LZE the highest scoring fixed station running 25W or less to a single antenna.  F8BRK wins a certificate of merit as the leading non-UK station.


This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 16/17