
RSGB Contest Results 432MHz AFS 2018   
v4.146 by G4CLA

Affiliated Society Contest 2018 - 432 MHz

An impressive 23% more logs were received for this, the last event of the Winter 2017/8 Super League, than for last year's contest.  The total of 134 was the highest on record. This was due, in no small part, to 24 entries from a single club - Worksop ARS - again a record number, and probably a total that few other clubs could better.  Their total included 7 Foundation and 5 Intermediate Licence holders - a superb effort.

Also encouraging was the fact that, of the 20 Intermediate/Foundation stations that appeared in the logs, 16 submitted entries.

Of those stations who commented on the conditions, the majority rated them as 'poor' but a significant minority were more generous in their assessment.

Those at or near the top of the tables made around 100 QSOs, but, of course, distance is all-important when scoring is based on points per kilometre.  The only DX (over 750 km) was a QSO between GD8EXI and F6DKW, which was a repeat of last year's achievement.

Bristol CG narrowly beat the Camb-Hams to win the G0ODQ Trophy, a reversal of last year's results. Third place goes to Harwell ARS who moved up from their twelfth place in 2017.

Turning to the individual honours, there cannot be many RSGB contests in which one station emerges as a section winner for 6 consecutive years, so many congratulations to Richard, GD8EXI for once again securing top spot in the Single-operator Fixed category. The runner up was Keith, G4ODA and the leading Foundation entrant, Sue M6XAK. Philippe,F1CBC was the leading non-UK entrant.

In the Open Section the winner was G4BVY (operated by Roger, G4BVY and Dave, G4FRE) with G0BKU (operated by Shaun, G0BKU and Russ, M0WYB) in the runner-up spot.  The leading Intermediate entrant was Steven, 2W0JYN, and leading Foundation entrant  Mark, M6OME.  Jacques, F1BHL wins a certificate of merit as the leading non-UK entrant.

Finally, Richard, G4HGI was the highest scoring fixed station running 25W or less to a single antenna.

Graham Coomber G0NBI

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 17/18