
RSGB Contest Results 432MHz AFS 2019   
v4.146 by G4CLA

Affiliated Society Contest 2019 - 432 MHz

The final event in the 2018/9 Super League contest attracted 118 entries, well down on last year's record number, but still comfortably above the long-term average. However, the number of Foundation and Intermediate stations appearing the in the logs held up well (20) with 16 submitting entries, the same as in 2018.  It was good to see two M7 entries in the tables!

Like last year, tropospheric conditions were disappointing with the majority of those commenting rating them as 'poor' or 'flat'.  Troublesome QSB added to the challenges.  The weather also played its part with local snow and ice thwarting several planned portable operations.  The only DX (over 750 km) was a QSO between GD8EXI and F6DKW, a repeat of last year's achievement.

In the club competition, Camb-Hams came out on top to regain the G0ODQ trophy with Grimsby ARS in second place, their first podium place in this competition this century.

Turning to the individual honours, Richard, GD8EXI triumphed for the seventh consecutive year in the Single Operator Fixed category, although it was much closer at the top of the table than in 2018 with second placed Keith, G4ODA in hot pursuit.  The leading Intermediate licensee was James, 2E0OUT, with Sue, M6XAK, once again winning the certificate for the highest placed Foundation Licence holder.  Frank, PE1EWR was the highest placed overseas station.

In the Open Section, G8NEY (last year's third placed station) secured top spot despite operators Pete, 2E0NEY and Dave, M0GHZ plans for portable operation being one of the casualties of the weather.  G3PYE/P was the runner up with Rob, M0VFC and Daniel, M0WUT giving 'Flossie' an outing.  Steven 2E0PUT/P and Nic, M6XTN/P were the leading Intermediate and Foundation licensees respectively.  Jacques, F1BHL/P was once again the leading overseas station.

Finally, Dave, GW4ZAR was the highest scoring fixed station running 25W or less to a single antenna.

Graham Coomber G0NBI

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 18/19