
RSGB Contest Results 432MHz AFS 2020   
v4.146 by G4CLA

2020 Affiliated Society Contest 432 MHz

The final event in the 2019/20 Super League contest attracted 116 entries, two fewer than last year. However, only 7 Foundation and Intermediate stations entered logs (16 last year).

Tropospheric conditions were challenging and probably best summed up by one entrant who assessed them 'as bad as last year'. As for the weather - well it is winter! The only DX (over 750 km) was a QSO between GD8EXI and F6DKW, a repeat of last year's achievement.

If the conditions matched the 2019 competition, so did the results in many respects and reporting this year's winners was, in many cases, a 'cut and paste' exercise.

For the first time, entries in the club competition were reported in two sections - General and Local.  Camb-Hams came out on top to retain the G0ODQ trophy with Grimsby ARS once again in second place.  Both these stations were in the Local category.  In the General section, the Drowned Rats RG took the top spot from the Weekend CG.

Richard, GD8EXI triumphed for the eighth consecutive year in the Single Operator Fixed category, with Keith G4ODA, retaining the runner up spot.

The leading Intermediate licensee was once again James, 2E0OUT, although Donna M7DON prevailed as the highest placed Foundation Licence holder.  Frank, PE1EWR retains his pre-eminence as the highest placed overseas station.

It was all change in the Open Section, however, with two members of the triumphant Camb-Hams 'A' team (G3PYE/P - comprising Dom, M0BLF, Lawrence, M0LCM and Rob, M0VFC - and Colin G4CWH/P) securing the top two podium places.

Finally, Tony, G8DMU was the highest scoring fixed station running 25W or less to a single antenna.

Congratulations to all certificate winners and grateful thanks to those who submitted check logs.

Graham Coomber G0NBI

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 19/20