
RSGB Contest Results 432MHz AFS 2021   
v4.146 by G4CLA

2021 Affiliated Society Contest 432 MHz

Like many of this season's contests, the final event in the Super League attracted an all-time record 172 logs.  Regrettably, conditions were not so impressive with high winds affecting antenna heights and deep QSB widely reported.  Conditions were generally assessed to be poor although some improvement was noted as the contest progressed.  The only DX (over 750 km) was a QSO between GD8EXI and F6DKW, a repeat of last year's achievement.

In the club competition, the General Section saw a win for the Weekend CG `A' team with the 807 ARO in second place.  In the Local Section, Camb-Hams were once again convincing winners and retain the G0ODQ trophy as the highest scoring Affiliated Society.  Harwell ARS `A' were runners up.

As usual, the seemingly invincible Richard, GD8EXI triumphed in the Single Operator Fixed category (giving 26 entrants their ODX in the  process), with G3XDY taking the runner up spot.  The leading Intermediate licensee was once again James, 2E0OUT and Pat, M7PAT the highest placed Foundation Licence holder.  Frank, PE1EWR retains his pre-eminence as the highest placed overseas station.

John, G4HGT was the highest scoring fixed station running 25W or less to a single antenna.

in the Open Section, Mike, G8CUL ran out the winner with Jacky, F1MKG as the Runner up and highest placed overseas station.

I can't finish without a special mention for Nick, G0OQK who reported that this was his first ever contest in 40 years of operating.  I hope that you appreciated what you have been missing all this time, Nick, and that your callsign will appear regularly in the tables from now on!

Congratulations to all certificate winners.

Graham Coomber G0NBI

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 20/21