
RSGB Contest Results 432MHz FMAC 2019   
v4.146 by G4CLA

The 432MHz FM activity contests continue to gain support and entry levels are slightly up on last year.  This year we have included a club table which tabulates the total scores for all the members of each RSGB affiliated club. A total of 16 teams entered. The run away winners are the Hereford ARS who managed to get 17 of their members active over the year. Swindon & DARC are in second place.

The FMAC is primarily aimed at stations new to VHF contesting and who might not have the necessary equipment to take part in the UKACs, however it is good to see that many of the regulars from the multi-mode events have also taken part and boosted activity in these FM contests.

Congratulations to all the certificate winners, who include

In the 10W  Section

1st Place Simon, G7WKX/P

2nd Place Helen, M0TMD/P

Intermediate Licensee Winner Andy, 2E0UAW

Foundation Licensee Winner Gabor, M6YUG

In the 50W Section

Highest non-UK station Jacques, F1BHL/P

1st Place Mel, G8EOP

2nd Place Dom, 2E0WHQ

Intermediate Licensee Winner Dom, 2E0WHQ/P

Pete G4CLA