
RSGB Contest Results 432MHz FMAC 2020   
v4.146 by G4CLA

Activity levels in this year's 432MHz FM UK Activity Contests were similar to previous years, that is until April, when the national lockdown started. In a similar way to a number of contests in the RSGB calendar there was a jump in entries in April, and activity levels continued to be above previous levels for the rest of the year with another peak in December when 67 entries were received and 121 stations were active.

Once again, this year we ran a club contest alongside the individual competition. Last year's winners, Hereford ARS, were the leading club again this year with an increased score. But second placed club Swindon & DARC reduced the points gap considerably this year scoring more than twice as many points than in 2019, as did third placed club Tall Trees CG. In total 21 clubs are listed in the results table this year, up from 16 in 2019.

In the 10W section Tony GW8ASD takes first place from Tom M1EYP in second and Steve G1YBB in third. In seventh place overall, up from 19th last year is this year's highest placed Intermediate Licensee, Ronald 2E0EKW. The highest placed Foundation Licensee for the third-year running is Gabor M6YUG.  There are 81 entries in this section, up from 60 last year.

Mel G8EOP, moves up one place to take top spot in the 50W section this year, with Tom G8GYX and Andrew G0JCC also moving up the table to take second and third places. Matt 2E0MDJ in overall eighth place claims the certificate for the highest placed Intermediate Licensee and Jacques F1BHL is once again the highest placed non-UK station.

Congratulations to all the certificate winners and a reminder that all entrants can download a certificate by using the links on the right-hand side of the results tables. I hope you enjoyed this year's events, although many entrants were frustrated by the lockdown rules, it gave many others the opportunity to came back to contesting after a number of years away.

Pete G4CLA