
RSGB Contest Results 432MHz UKAC 2013   
v4.146 by G4CLA

70cm UKAC - Review of 2013

One group dominated the 70cm club section this year; The Travelling Wave Contest Group (TWCG).  Last year’s winners, the Bolton Wireless Club pushed hard throughout the year (and were the top club in three of the sessions) but the superior average points per entrant of the TWCG enabled them to gain the top spot (up from third place last year). Spalding & District ARS were in third place (down from second place last year). 73 clubs competed for the title of leading club in the 70cm UKAC (up from 64 last year).

The competition for top spot in the AO section was a battle between G4CLA (competed in the AR section last year), GI4SNA, GD8EXI and M0GHZ.  After a slow start to the year, Pete G4CLA topped the AO table in seven sessions and was second in another session to gain an overall score of 7909 points. David GI4SNA with three session wins and three second places gained a total of 7395 points to come second. Richard GD8EXI got off to a flying start in the first session of 2013 by gaining top stop but could not repeat this in the other sessions and was placed third overall.  David M0GHZ (last year’s winner) was placed fourth overall. 23 stations (19 in 2012) competed in the AO section.

The battle for top spot in the AR section could not have been closer.  Two stations, Camb-Hams G3PYE/P and Bob G1ZJP operating as M1MHZ each scored 7909 points and hence are the joint winners.  Tony G4NBS scored 7856 point (and two session wins) to secure third place. 207 stations (180 in 2012) competed in the AR section.

For the second year running, Keith G4ODA was the clear winner in the AL section. He scored an unbeatable 8000 points and topped the table in nine of the twelve sessions. Carolyn G6WRW/P was the runner-up scoring 7472 points.  Last year’s runner-up Tom M1EYP/P came third with 7451 points. 128 stations (85 in 2012) competed in the AL section.

The AX section was once again dominated by Andy GM4JR who won eight sessions and hence scored 8000 points. Jon GM4JTJ came second with 6501 points and Martin GM8IEM came third with 3167 points.  11 stations (9 in 2012) participated in the AX section.

In summary, congratulations to:

  •  70cm Club Section
    •  Winner: The Travelling Wave Contest Group
    •  Runner-up: The Bolton Wireless Club

  •  AO Section
    •  Winner: Pete Lindsay G4CLA
    •  Runner-up: David Ross GI4SNA

  •  AR Section
    •  Joint Winners: Camb-Hams G3PYE/P & M1MHz operated by Bob Offer G1ZJP
    •  Leading Intermediate Licensee: Roger Rimmer 2E0BMO
    •  Leading Overseas station: F1VNR/P operated by Malcolm Bryan G8MCA

  •  AL Section
    •  Winner: Keith Tatnall G4ODA
    •  Runner-up: Carolyn Williamson G6WRW
    •  Leading Intermediate Licensee: Paul Johnson 2E0TXT
    •  Leading Foundation Station: Phil Willetts M6SRZ

  •  AX Section
    •  Winner: Andy Anderson GM4JR
    •  Runner-up: Jon Joyce GM4JTJ

The first 70cm UKAC for 2014 starts at 2000 local time (2000 UTC) on Tuesday 14th January.


This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC