
RSGB Contest Results 432MHz UKAC 2019   
v4.146 by G4CLA

The 2019 70cms UKAC was another epic, with over 2,200 logs received. The peak of activity was in the May event, with 210 logs received when 367 stations were active. There were 431 different individual entrants (a record) representing 81 clubs.

Once again there are two club tables this year, one for Local Clubs where members all live or operate within a set distance of the club (virtual) meeting place and one for General Clubs whose members are more widely dispersed.

In the Local Section, once again Hereford ARS looked to be the hot favourites, holding first place from the start of the year. But Worksop ARS were not far behind for the first 3 months, until Hereford put in a couple of blistering scores in April and May. That put the top spot in no doubt, even though Worksop did keep them honest for the rest of the year. Congratulations to both clubs for such excellent results. Can Worksop catch them next year, we'll have to wait and see. The Northampton RC are in third place this year, up from eight in 2018. Congratulations to them, on such a big jump up the leader table.

The top three clubs in the General Section all managed to keep their scoring rates up to last year's high standards and maintain their positions in the table. 807 ARO continue to be a tour de force making the highest club score every month, although second-placed club, Drowned Rats RG, were very close on a couple of occasions and Harwell ARS were not far behind in third.

Congratulations to all the leading clubs and especially all those clubs who managed to improve their score over last year. A number of clubs could have entered the Local Section this year now that the qualifying distance has increased to 80km, but didn't. If all your club members either live OR operate within 80km of a designated meeting place and you want to enter the Local Section next year, please emailafs@rsgbcc.org.

In the Open Section of the individual tables, Pete G4CLA only entered 8 sessions (plus one in the Restricted Section), but won them all to make a maximum of 8000 points. Keith G4ODA was not that far behind, especially after winning the last two sessions of the year. In third place, this year, up one spot from 2018, is Gordon GI6ATZ with an excellent score from a QTH so far to the west of the UK.

The chase for the top place in the Restricted Section was a repeat of last year, with Anthony G7LRQ just winning out over Jacques, F1BHL/P, despite Jacques winning 3 of the sessions to Anthony's single win. Eddie G0EHV(/P) is in third place this year, also winning one session, just pushing Bob, G1ZJP down one place to fourth.

The results of the Low Power Section is also a repeat of last year, with Steve G1YBB/P once again scoring a maximum 8000 points giving him a strong lead over Tony G8DMU/P in second place. Congratulations also go to Dave G3TBK(/P) who jumped up the table from 59th last year to third this year.

The certificate for the station who provides the most stations with their best DX was won this year by Conrad, PA5Y who appeared in the ODX column no less than 220 times. Other certificate winners include James 2E0OUT, Andrew M6VUK and John 2E0DXK/P

I hope you enjoyed this years 70cms UK activity contests and hopefully, you will all be back for more starting in January 2020!

Pete G4CLA

This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC