
RSGB Contest Results 432MHz UKAC 2021   
v4.146 by G4CLA

Entry numbers in this year's 432MHz UK Activity Contest continue to remain high. Activity peaked in April, with 274 entries, just short of last year's peak of 284, which coincidentally was also in the April session. In total, entries were received from 503 individual stations, 40 up on last year, representing 81 affiliated clubs.

In the Local Clubs Section, Hereford are in first place for the fourth year in a row. Northampton RC have moved up one place from 2020 to take second spot and Milton Keynes had a very strong finish in the last three months of the year, moving up from sixth to take third place.

In the General Club section, Northern Fells ARS and 807 ARO are well ahead of the field and it was clear from the start of the year that the race for the top spot would be between these two clubs. 807 ARO first won this event in 2016 and have brushed away all attempts to take their crown ever since. Northern Fells were 16th in 2016 and have been moving up the table each year, reaching fifth in 2019 and second in 2020, would it be their year this year? They took the early lead and were in first place after the January event, then 807 pushed ahead of them and took over top spot for the next 3 months, but from then on it was Northern Fells that powered to the finish line to take first place. Congratulations to both teams on such a closely fought contest. Harwell ARS are third this year up from fifth in 2020.

In the Open Section of the individual tables, Pete G4CLA managed a clean sweep this year, winning all 12 sessions ahead of a tight battle for second place between Keith, G4ODA and Gordon GI6ATZ, which was not decided until the final month of the year, when Keith edged ahead to take second place, with Gordon in third. Gordon is also awarded the award for the highest number of entries in the ODX column, giving entrants their best DX on 257 occasions. Conrad, PA5Y is in an excellent fifth place overall and is the highest placed non-UK entry.

John G3XDY has repeated his success of 2020 to take top spot in the Restricted Section with five session wins, just ahead of Ian, GM3SEK in second. Jacques F1BHL had a very successful year, finishing in third place and topping the table on four occasions. James, 2E0OUT is once again the highest placed intermediate licensee

For the fourth year running the top two places in the Low Power Section are Steve, G1YBB in first place with seven session wins and Tony, G8DMU in second with three session wins. This year they are joined at the top of the table by Steve G1PPA in third. Certificates also go to Mark 2E0SBM, who is the leading Intermediate Licensee, Donna M7DON, who is the highest placed Foundation Licensee and to Oscar M7OJA who is the leading young operator.

Thank you to everyone who took part in this year's 432MHz activity contests and may your DX be longer and your bonus points be higher for 2022.

Pete G4CLA

This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC