
RSGB Contest Results 50MHz AFS Contest 2012   
v4.146 by G4CLA

50MHz AFS Contest 2012

The second year’s results bear a lot of similarity to the first, with many of the same stations and teams jostling for position and similar participation and QSO numbers. Conditions were, again, very ordinary with the better equipped stations able to find a few sporadic E or long tropo contacts even though the prime Es season is over.

Congratulations to M0MAT/P and G4TSW atop the Open section, M1MHZ and G4ODA in section SF, 2E0NEY and MW6OXO as leading Intermediate and Foundation stations and last but not least G8LZE as the leading 25W/single aerial station.

This is the first event in the 2012/3 AFS ‘Superleague’, so check your diaries for the other bands.

Steve G8GSQ

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 12/13