
RSGB Contest Results 50MHz AFS Contest 2015   
v4.146 by G4CLA

Conditions for the third year running were poor and no sign of any sporadic e, aurora or TEP plus tropo conditions were pretty flat with entrants reflecting this in the comments. The ODX was a QSO between G4TSW and DF5LQ in JO44 via MS at a distance of 990km.

Entries were up in both sections this year showing that even with poor propagation this contest entices people to get out in the shack (or on a hilltop) and have a blast on a Sunday. Logging was mixed this year and numerous broken calls, reports and locators. Although poor conditions and weak signals with QSB were to blame for the majority of errors a few of these looked like pure typo's i.e. a G3 with 5 letters in the suffix so an extra check before finally submitting your log is worthwhile. There were no continental entries or check-logs to the contest this year, presumably a reflection on band conditions.

The open section was very closely contested again by G4TSW (Tiverton (SW) RC) and M0MAT/P (Bristol CG 'A'). M0MAT/P came out on top this year so it looks like the new equipment worked very well for them.

The single op fixed section battle was a repeat of last year between two of the Bristol CG 'A' members and the result was G4ASR - David taking the top slot with G3ZVW - Steve closely following in second.

Bristol CG 'A' were runaway winners this year with Spalding and DARS 'A' taking the second position slot. I wonder if next year any clubs can put a team together to compete with them. We will see!

Congratulations to all mentioned, plus G8LZE who retains the highest scoring 25W/single antenna station and 2E0XJP as the leading fixed Intermediate station and 2E0IBF as the leading portable Intermediate station.

73 de G7RAU - Dave Edwards

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 15/16