
RSGB Contest Results 50MHz AFS Contest 2016   
v4.146 by G4CLA

Conditions for the fourth year running were flat without any sporadic e, aurora or TEP nor were there any tropo enhancements to speak of. The ODX was a QSO between G4ASR and GM7PPB at 753km.

Despite this participation was well up on last year which is excellent news for a weekend contest.  There were 49 clubs represented (up from 41) with a total of 111 different stations submitting an entry which is up from 96 last year.  All told there were 236 different calls logged by participants up from 216 in 2015.

The open section was won by G6YB (Ops G4CLA and G4FKA Bristol CG 'A').

The single op fixed section battle was very close this year with G4BWP just beating G4ASR into second placef

Overall Cambridge Hams 'A' take top spot pushing Bristol CG 'A' into second

Congratulations to all mentioned, plus G8LZE who retains the highest scoring 25W/single antenna station and 2E0VPW as the leading intermediate station and M6OCR as the leading foundation station.

Mike Davies, G0KAD

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 16/17